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Positivity at the office through art

Art rental or well being at the office

These are strange and uncertain times. Corona did something with the world and with us. It made us rethink our business. How should an art rental like Bernice reorganise and digitize and what would be the effect on our way of working? The daily routine cannot be taken for granted anymore. And as a small business, we have to adjust the way we work. Gloves, mouth masks, alcohol sanitizers, social distancing,… we’re on it. But how would this all turn out?

We were about to find out during our first post-lockdown visit to change a client’s art collection.

This client, an family-run fashion agency in Gent, asked us for a yearly rotation of their rented art collection. Paintings and sculptures by different artists are spread over a 2 floor modern concrete building.

We first emailed the customer a proposal by using photoshop to present to them alternative artworks for their office walls. The family requested us to bring positivity to their workplace.

How can artworks with a positive look enrich the spaces and send out a hopefull message to employees and visitors? Can paintings and sculptures make people happy and hopefull for the future?

The installation went smooth, thanks to the art-loving client. Our gloves and mouth coverings did no harm to our consulting or art handling skills.

Do you need help in picking the right artwork for your office spaces? Contact us for information and advice.